Facebook Ads

Move all your Facebook Ads data to your reporting tools. Manage and compare your campaigns easily in a single view. Start a 14-day free trial to see what you can do with this connector.


The quick start you want with the depth you need

Adobe Analytics (erstwhile Omniture SiteCatalyst) helps you convert high-quality online sales leads by delivering insights on running highly structured, persuasive Internet marketing campaigns across all touchpoints.

Use our templates to get started quickly.

Ad spend, impressions, clicks, and much, much more.

There can be no doubt that the transportation sector is the most critical sector of our economy.

250 Metrics
90 Dimensions
Precise marketing data points for generating meaningful insights.

Select a destination to get Facebook Ads data into

Facebook Ads by the numbers

Accounts connected
Weekly users
Queries ran last week

Trusted by 500+ businesses worldwide

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